About me
My name is Ivo Zimmermann. A few years ago I discovered how to tidy up my home properly without having a mess only shortly afterwards. That fascinated and inspired me so much that I later decided to make Tidying-Up Coaching my vocation.
My story
At the age of 20 I joined an international meditation group. After more than 30 years I left this community and realigned my life. That was a very big and important step for me.
Since then, many new areas have opened up for me, including my appointment as a Tidying-Up Coach. It had frustrated me all my life that I never managed to really have a satisfactory order in my home. I felt as if I was constantly tidying up and even after I had f-nished tidying up, I wasn't really satisfied. Today I know why this disorder kept coming back and it gives me great pleasure to support other people in having a tidy home according to their own wishes.
It is important to me to have a strong inner alignment. Truth, clarity and ethics are at the top of my list. It is encouraging and motivating for me to observe, how adventurous and satisfying my own life has become since I have started to more consciously aligne my actions with these inner values.